Welcome to Sustainable Dawson’s “Monarch Adventures”!
Here, you'll get to live as one of the many monarch butterflies that call Dawson their home.
Choose the right answer to each question. Your goal is to migrate from the campus successfully.
(If at any point you don’t know the answer, you can always look to the informational signs on the wall in the 3D wing.)
[[Enter your cocoon]] to become a monarch.
<img src="https://i2.wp.com/thearcatlantic.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/post-butter.gif?resize=325%2C325&ssl=1">
</div>You're finally ready to evolve into a butterfly. (Kind of like a Pokemon!)
<img src="https://www.monarch-butterfly.com/graphics/xcaterpillar-emerging.jpg.pagespeed.ic.z27-9b5F36.jpg">
How long will it take you to leave the cocoon?
[[7 days]] or [[10 days]]
Oh no! You weren't ready!
To go back to the previous question and choose the right answer, press the arrow on the left hand side.
<img src="https://previews.123rf.com/images/tatty85nati/tatty85nati1706/tatty85nati170600326/80546416-sad-butterfly.jpg" style= width:700px; height:510px;>
</div>You’re now a buttefly!
Which type of plant is your main food source?
[[Milkweed]] or [[Daisies]]
<img src="https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/content/dam/kids/photos/animals/Bugs/H-P/monarch-butterfly-orange-flower.ngsversion.1396530843192.adapt.1900.1.jpg" style= width:700px; height:510px;>
</div>How many generations of Monarchs are needed to migrate successfully?
[[1 generation]] or [[4 generations]]
<img src="https://www.monarch-butterfly.com/images/2butterflies.jpg">
</div>Oh no! Wrong answer.
To go back to the previous question and choose the right answer, press the arrow on the left hand side.
<img src="https://previews.123rf.com/images/tatty85nati/tatty85nati1706/tatty85nati170600326/80546416-sad-butterfly.jpg" style= width:700px; height:510px;>
</div>You have died. We’ll resurrect you, but just this once. Make better choices!
To go back to the previous question and choose the right answer, press the arrow on the left hand side.
<img src="https://previews.123rf.com/images/tatty85nati/tatty85nati1706/tatty85nati170600326/80546416-sad-butterfly.jpg" style= width:700px; height:510px;>
</div>It's time to migrate. You embark on the long journey from Montreal to Mexico.
You're starting to get a little tired...
<img src="https://hgtvhome.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/hgtv/fullset/2012/1/24/0/TS-120733754_butterfly-flower_s4x3.jpg.rend.hgtvcom.581.436.suffix/1400966171197.jpeg">
How long have you been flying again?
[[4 weeks?]] ... [[2 months?]]
Did you get bit by some radioactive butterfly or something? Two whole months?!
To go back to the previous question and choose the right answer, press the arrow on the left hand side.
<img src="https://previews.123rf.com/images/tatty85nati/tatty85nati1706/tatty85nati170600326/80546416-sad-butterfly.jpg" style= width:700px; height:510px;>
</div>You’ve lived a nice life. You think of your son, Moe Monarch, and your daughter, Monica Monarch, knowing you’ve raised them well.
Unfortunately, not all monarchs are as lucky as you. Global warming, pesticides, and a lack of food are severely affecting monarch migration.
To learn more about how you can reduce your ecological footprint or how to make your world eco-friendly, visit the Insect Hotel next to 3F.43.
Thanks for playing!
<img src="https://i2.wp.com/thearcatlantic.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/post-butter.gif?resize=325%2C325&ssl=1" style="float:right;width:300px;height:350px;">